Jul 20, 2012

Sharon in the Top 6 - Singing her own Song

Sharon made it through the cut last Saturday and into the Top 6! On Sunday contestants sang songs that they wrote themselves. Sharon song, called "Mama," is a mix of English, Swahili and Luganda. It speaks about how precious our Mums (or Moms!) are. This is especially significant for Sharon, who's biological father was a violent man who never provided a thing for them. Their Mum, Aggie, took on the entire job of raising the children, while also suffering in extreme poverty. Many other Africans have experienced (and are experiencing) upbringings like this, so this song will resonate with a lot of people.

Translations of some of the Luganda & Swahili lyrics:

"Nakupenda Mama" - I love you Mama.

"Nkwagala nnyo" - I love you so much.

"Osobola okukyusa ebilala, osobola kukyusa mama wo yeka gwolina mugondere" - Many things can be replaced but you can't replace your Mum. She's the only one you have who cares for you, so you need to give her honour & respect.

Aggie and I had goosebumps and tears in our eyes when we heard Sharon performing this! The word that we had to describe her performance was GLORIOUS! Amazing how Sharon's voice can be so gentle, small & sweet one minute, and so big & powerful the next! You can tell this song is truly from her heart.

Unfortunately though, 4 out of 6 contestants had to be chosen for probation, and Sharon was one of them. They'll be up for potential eviction this Saturday night. Hoping so much that Sharon makes it through!

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