Oct 29, 2010

Mary Rebuilds

Mary's house collapsed during a thunderstorm...with her inside!  See how she was able to rebuild with the help of money earned through Aggie's Arts.  Aggie's Arts purchases beautiful Ugandan paper bead jewelry from women in Kampala's urban slums to help them meet their physical needs.  For more info go here.

Mar 11, 2010

Imagine living here...

Take a look at Nateete ("Nah-tehh-tay"), one of Kampala's many urban slums.  On top of flooding, poverty and disease, this community also has a lot of problems with alcoholism and witchcraft.  Listen to what some of our IMFC co-workers have to say about life in an area like this.

IMFC began working in Nateete last month and will be investing in this community for the next 5 months.

Nateete, One Bad Slum! from Jimmy Barry on Vimeo.

Jan 31, 2010

Aggie's Arts Video

Check out this excellent video of our Aggie's Arts ministry made by The Met Church (Houston, TX). This captures how God inspired Aggie's to start Aggie's Arts, what the ladies' lives were like before, and how God has helped them so much through it.

2009 was an amazing year for Aggie's Arts. On top of regular monthly purchases from our 17 ladies, we took several short-term mission teams coming from the U.S. to visit them and they bought even more. On top of THAT, just before Christmas, The Met Church placed a HUGE order of 1750 Christmas tree ornaments (which they'd never made before)! The ladies did a great job and enjoyed their Christmas bonuses. Awesome! Will be cool to see what God has in store for 2010!

Aggies Arts from The MET Church on Vimeo.