"Omusajja omulungi" means "A good man." I don't know if all of you know, but Aggie is a bit of a recording artist! This is about the 10th song she's recorded, and my favorite so far. She wanted to have this ready to sing at our wedding but wasn't able to back in 2007. She had it recorded about 2wks ago. I love it, it's such a special gift to me.
Aggie also wrote this song to enourage other women. Many (most) Ugandan men consider their wives property and most relationships are abusive with husbands/partners who are irresponsible and callous - it's unbelievable. Aggie was in an extremely abusive relationship for 16yrs.
One line in Aggie's song "It made me lie like a fork," refers to lying cold & alone in bed. I think the Mzungu (white person) equivalent to NOT lying like a fork would be spooning - "Spooning: A form of affection between a couple where the man lays front to back with the girl. They fit together like spoons" (www.urbandictionary.com). So Aggie no longer lies like a fork but like a spoon &:-)}
Enjoy this beautiful, touching song. And Happy New Year! Simon & Aggie &:-)}