Dec 30, 2011

What we do in Uganda - Overview

Merry Christmas! At last, another blog post! Just in time before the year ends. This one is an overview of the work that we are part of here in Uganda: volunteering with International Missionaries for Christ (IMFC), and the Aggie's Arts and Kisoro Kids ministries. See for more info.

Aug 31, 2011

(Only) When you Gotta do it! Boda-Boda transport.

Well I've heard it said that the most dangerous thing you'll do when you visit Uganda is travel on the roads. I heartily concur! Mainly when highway driving though - unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) you're usually not moving fast enough in Kampala to have a serious accident...UNLESS...unless you're on a boda-boda motorcycle taxi! This is one of the methods of around-town transport here if you don't have a vehicle of your own...or if your vehicle is unavailable...or if you wish to redestine your predestined appointment with your Maker.

P.S. Note that I purposely chose to travel when there wasn't much traffic!

Jul 22, 2011

Joy, Hope, Suffering, Death & Life in the Slums of Kampala

This is a beautiful video made late last year. It captures the amazing co-existence of suffering, sickness and death with joy, hope and life Kampala's slums. Unfortunately IMFC's Manna Ministry was not able to save Harriet physically, she died about six months after this video was made. God did use the love and care given to her through Manna to save her spiritually though, as well as a number of others through her before she passed away. Harriet's life was like a seed; it didn't end with her death, and it even multiplied to create the same life in others.

Jun 8, 2011

Serious Drummers!

Aggie & Sharon drumming during a baptism at Lake Victoria this past Sunday. Sharon is really slamming that drum and Aggie looks very serious about it! Ivy Cheryle has a more subdued cameo appearance.

May 22, 2011

Kisoro Kids!

Introducing "Kisoro Kids," a new ministry that Uganda Journey has started which is helping kids & schools down in far SW Uganda under the leadership & guidance of Pastor George Mbonyebyombi. In this video: meet George, learn how (and how not) to say his name, find out more about this work & how you can help the kids of Kisoro!

Apr 15, 2011

More Life Change!

Meet Ivy Cheryle Paech, the newest addition to the Paech family! Born March 19, 2011 (7lb 10z), this video follows the first 3 days of her life, from delivery to the trip home. Ivy Cheryle is named in honour of her great grandmother (Ivy), and grandmother (Cheryle).

Feb 25, 2011

Life Change

The organization we volunteer with, International Missionaries for Christ (IMFC), seeks to meet physical and spiritual needs of people in the slums of Kampala.  In this video, see how God has used IMFC's Manna Ministry food distribution work to open the heart of one man and transform his life.

For more IMFC stories and info:

Jan 1, 2011

Omusajja Omulungi

"Omusajja omulungi" means "A good man." I don't know if all of you know, but Aggie is a bit of a recording artist! This is about the 10th song she's recorded, and my favorite so far. She wanted to have this ready to sing at our wedding but wasn't able to back in 2007. She had it recorded about 2wks ago. I love it, it's such a special gift to me.

Aggie also wrote this song to enourage other women. Many (most) Ugandan men consider their wives property and most relationships are abusive with husbands/partners who are irresponsible and callous - it's unbelievable. Aggie was in an extremely abusive relationship for 16yrs.

One line in Aggie's song "It made me lie like a fork," refers to lying cold & alone in bed. I think the Mzungu (white person) equivalent to NOT lying like a fork would be spooning - "Spooning: A form of affection between a couple where the man lays front to back with the girl. They fit together like spoons" ( So Aggie no longer lies like a fork but like a spoon &:-)}

Enjoy this beautiful, touching song. And Happy New Year! Simon & Aggie  &:-)}