So things have been incredibly busy here, as you can imagine. A team of people here in Huntsville is forming who will be supporting Aggie & I in many different ways from back here in the U.S. This involves various sub support teams: a finance team, logistics team, accountability team, prayer team, and communications team. The leaders of these sub-teams will be from the church I'm part of, and the members can be anyone else who would like to be part of this adventure.
At this point, the team is not very large and there is a LOT to do, but we are trusting God! This is such a big thing and we are so small (as a team, and as humans) that only He can do it! Right now we're very focussed on finances (the money for Aggie & I and our family to live in Uganda and do the work God is putting in our hearts) and logistics (all the details like shipping stuff, insurances, etc). God has lead us to send me and trust Him to provide. I know He will - this is His thing!! We get to see how He does it and brings it all together, and He'll get the credit for it!
We are going to be raising funds through the support of individuals and also other creative ways, including selling beautiful necklaces, hand-made by Ugandan ladies from recycled magazine pages (advertisement there, *grin*).
We're calling all of this "Uganda Journey". Not just my journey in Uganda, but the journey of anyone and everyone who God leads to join us - whether on a support team, supporting us financially, or in any other way. You will be part of the journey. If you'd like to know more about this, click on this web page link: http://www.ugandajourney.org/ From this website you can also find out more about International Missionaries for Christ (the organization Agge & I will be working with in Uganda), as well as "Life's Journey" - the church I'm part of. At the top it also has a count-down of days, hours, and minutes until I fly out of the United States.
I have at least 2 more amazing stories to post - they've been sitting in the archives (of my mind, that is)! THE Amazing Story is continuing - having seen, and continuing to see God bring all of this together. All the other amazing stories are chapters in THE story.
Love in Him,
Simon &:-)}